Word frequency histogram

Write a standalone program that will display (using ASCII art) a histogram of word frequencies from one or more text files (or from stdin).


  1. Input format.

    Input format is simply plain UTF8 encoded text. Either supplied by one or more file specified as command line arguments or as standard input if no command line arguments are specified.

  2. How to break up words.

    Punctuation that isn't part of a word should be disregarded. Punctuation part of a word is significant. Words should be considered case insensitive

    ie. "Dogs don't sit on children, they sit on cats." => ["dogs", "don't", "sit", "on", "children", "the", "sit", "on", "cats"]

    ie. "Dogs DOGS Child ChIlD Hello" => [("dogs", 2), ("child", 2), ("hello", 1)]

    We aren't trying to be tricky here so we won't be giving you strange text files to parse with things like 'H!??@!LLO' in it.

  3. Output format.

    Should output the words in decreasing order of frequency. Format should be as follows:

    the   ##########################
    dog   ########################
    sat   #######################
    child ##################
    a     #############
    one   ######
    ok    #
    Notice that:
  4. Don't use unsafePerformIO or other such unsafe functions.


You should submit your work in the form of a URL to a publicly accessible git repository, which should include the source and a README file that tells us:

  1. Who you are.

  2. How to build and run your program.

Bonus Points

We will award monetary bonuses in the form of Quatloos, the currency of the planet Triskelion, to those who achieve one or more of the following accomplishments:

The winner of the most quatloos gets a special edition JPEG of a pony.