CS240h: Functional Systems in Haskell
Stanford CS240h Spring 2014
If you have enrolled in the class or plan to, please install the Haskell Platform on your machine so as to be able to do the assignments, and bring your laptop to class.
Final project presentations took place Thursday, June 5, 12pm-4pm in Gates 104. Lunch was served.
Final project write-ups are available here.
If you are scribing a lecture, please see the scribe repo for information on how to prepare and submit the notes.
Last day to submit scribe notes: June 14.
Discussion forums:
Class list:
Staff list:
Lab submission:
cs240h lab submission
Recommended background:
Real World Haskell,
by O'Sullivan, Stewart, and Goerzen.
For help, please post on Piazza as then the whole class can benefit from your question. However, you can also email the class mailing list or staff mailing list if you prefer not to use Piazza
Office hours: Thursdays 2:05-3:05pm Address: Gates, Room 290 Phone: (415) 490-9451 Instructor: Bryan O'Sullivan Office hours: Tuesdays 2:05-3:00pm
Address: Gates Hall, Room 288 Email: bos@serpentine.com TA: David Terei Office hours: Monday 2:00-4:00pm Address: Gates, Room 288 Phone: (415) 359-5494