Untrusted code

Safe Haskell

Safe vs. Trustworthy

What if untrusted code needs to do IO?

Example: hypothetical RIO monad

{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
module RIO (RIO(), runRIO, RIO.readFile) where

-- Notice that symbol UnsafeRIO is not exported from this module!
newtype RIO a = UnsafeRIO (IO a)
runRIO :: RIO a -> IO a
runRIO (UnsafeRIO io) = io

instance Monad RIO where ...

-- Returns True iff access is allowed to file name
pathOK :: FilePath -> IO Bool
pathOK file = -- policy, e.g., only allow files in /tmp

readFile :: FilePath -> RIO String
readFile file = UnsafeRIO $ do
  ok <- pathOK file
  if ok then Prelude.readFile file else return ""

Exercise: implement RIO Monad instance

newtype RIO a = UnsafeRIO (IO a)
runRIO :: RIO a -> IO a
runRIO (UnsafeRIO io) = io
GHCi, version 7.8.2: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
*RIO> writeFile "/tmp/hello" "Hello, world\n"
*RIO> runRIO $ RIO.readFile "/tmp/hello"
"Hello, world\n"
*RIO> runRIO $ RIO.readFile "/etc/passwd"
newtype RIO a = UnsafeRIO { runRIO :: IO a }


newtype RIO a = UnsafeRIO (IO a)
instance Monad RIO where
  return = UnsafeRIO . return
  m >>= k = UnsafeRIO $ runRIO m >>= runRIO . k
  fail = UnsafeRIO . fail

Example policies for RIO

Why RIO isn’t enough

What is DIFC?

What is DIFC?

What is DIFC?

Labels are transitive

Labels are transitive

Labels are transitive

Labels are transitive

Labels form a lattice

DIFC is Decentralized

Example privileges

Example privileges

The Sec monad [Russo], [Russo]

The Sec monad (continued)

Applying the Sec monad

IO and Sec

IO and Sec

The SecIO monad

SecIO translator

LIO monad [Stefan]

Backdoors for privileged code

Implementing labels in Haskell

Exercise: Implement a Label instance

data Level = Public | Secret | TopSecret
data Compartment = Nuclear | Crypto
data MilLabel = MilLabel { level :: Level
                         , compartments :: Set Compartment


Adjusting and checking labels

Privileges vs. privilege descriptions

Using Priv Objects

Wrapping IO abstractions

LIO applications