Let’s talk about testing

Have any profs ever talked to you about testing?

Testing in industry

There are a few “states of the art” for testing software:

What am I interested in?

For today, I want to talk about unit tests and their more interesting descendants.

Shamelessly borrowing from Wikipedia:

public class TestAdder {
    public void testSum() {
        Adder adder = new AdderImpl();
        assert(adder.add(1, 1) == 2);
        assert(adder.add(1, 2) == 3);
        assert(adder.add(2, 2) == 4);
        assert(adder.add(0, 0) == 0);
        assert(adder.add(-1, -2) == -3);
        assert(adder.add(-1, 1) == 0);
        assert(adder.add(1234, 988) == 2222);

What’s the problem?

Count the number of test cases below.

public class TestAdder {
    public void testSum() {
        Adder adder = new AdderImpl();
        assert(adder.add(1, 1) == 2);
        assert(adder.add(1, 2) == 3);
        assert(adder.add(2, 2) == 4);
        assert(adder.add(0, 0) == 0);
        assert(adder.add(-1, -2) == -3);
        assert(adder.add(-1, 1) == 0);
        assert(adder.add(1234, 988) == 2222);

Okay, don’t. It’s 7.

The limits of unit tests

Unit tests are only useful up to a point.

Your patience and ability to think up nasty corner cases are VERY finite.

Best to use them wisely.

But how?


For patience, we have computers.

For nasty corner cases, we have random number generators.

Let’s put them to use.

A simple example: UTF-16 encoding

UTF-16 is a Unicode encoding that:

Variable length encoding:

Encoding a single code point

We know that Char represents a Unicode code point.

The Word16 type represents a 16-bit value.

import Data.Word (Word16)

What should the type signature of encodeChar be?

encodeChar :: ???

The base case is easy

We can easily turn the single-code-unit case into some Haskell using a few handy functions.

import Data.Char (ord)

ord :: Char -> Int

fromIntegral :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b

We use fromIntegral to convert from Int to Word16 because Haskell will not explicitly coerce for us.

encodeChar :: Char -> [Word16]
encodeChar x
  | w < 0x10000 = [fromIntegral w]
  where w = ord x

The two-code-unit case

To encode code points above 0x10000, we need some new bit-banging functions.

import Data.Bits ((.&.), shiftR)

The .&. operator gives us bitwise and, while shiftR is a right shift.

encodeChar :: Char -> [Word16]
encodeChar x
  | w < 0x10000 = [fromIntegral w]
  | otherwise   = [fromIntegral a, fromIntegral b]
  where w = ord x
        a = ((w - 0x10000) `shiftR` 10) + 0xD800
        b = (w .&. 0x3FF) + 0xDC00

Basic testing

If you want unit tests, HUnit is the package you need.

import Test.HUnit (assertEqual)

testASCII =
  assertEqual "ASCII encodes as one code unit"
    1 (length (encodeChar 'a'))

A bad test

Let’s intentionally write a bogus test.

-- 𐆘
badTest = do
  assertEqual "sestertius encodes as one code unit"
    1 (length (encodeChar '\x10198'))

If we run this in ghci:

ghci> badTest
*** Exception: HUnitFailure "sestertius encodes as one code unit\nexpected: 1\n but got: 2"

Not pretty, but it works.

But wait: unit tests?

So I just slammed unit tests and now I’m showing you how to write them?

Well, we can generalize past the limits of unit tests.

A proxy for a bigger picture

What do we really want with this test?

testASCII = do
  assertEqual "ASCII encodes as one code unit"
    1 (length (encodeChar 'a'))

We are really asserting that every ASCII code point encodes as a single code unit.

testOne char = do
  assertEqual "ASCII encodes as one code unit"
    1 (length (encodeChar char))

Hmm: better?

What if we parameterize our test:

testOne char = do
  assertEqual "ASCII encodes as one code unit"
    1 (length (encodeChar char))

And drive it from a harness:

testASCII = mapM_ testOne ['\0'..'\127']

Taking stock

This is better, in that our original test is generalized.

It’s also worse, because we’re exhaustively enumerating every single test input.

We get away with it here because Unicode is small, and computers are fast.

But it’s the principle of the thing: automate better!

Enter QuickCheck

Forget about HUnit, here’s the package we’ll focus on.

import Test.QuickCheck

prop_encodeOne c = length (encodeChar c) == 1

In ghci:

ghci> quickCheck prop_encodeOne
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

What just happened?

Why did quickCheck say this:

+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

It did the following:

Now I have a headache

Let’s look back at our “test function”:

prop_encodeOne c = length (encodeChar c) == 1

This is very suspicious.

We know that encodeChar sometimes produces lists of length 2.

So why did our 100 tests pass?

Starting small

For most types, QuickCheck operates from the handy assumption that “small” test cases are more useful than big ones.

As tests pass for small random inputs, it generates “bigger” ones.

With just 100 tests, we are simply not likely to generate a code point that encodes as two code units.

Behind the scenes: generating values

How does QuickCheck do its thing, anyway?

It needs to be able to generate random values.

This it achieves via typeclasses.

-- Generator type.
data Gen a

-- The set of types for which we
-- can produce random values.
class Arbitrary a where
    arbitrary :: Gen a

Behind the scenes: some machinery

-- Generate a random value within a range.
choose :: Random a => (a,a) -> Gen a
instance Arbitrary Bool where
    arbitrary = choose (False,True)

instance Arbitrary Char {- ... -}

Behind the scenes: testable things

-- Simply protection for a Gen.
data Property = MkProperty (Gen a)

-- The set of types that can be tested.
class Testable prop

-- The instance bodies are not interesting.
instance Testable Bool

instance (Arbitrary a, Show a, Testable prop)
    => Testable (a -> prop)

The two instances above are crucial.

How does this work?

Let’s write our test function with a type signature.

prop_encodeOne :: Char -> Bool
prop_encodeOne c = length (encodeChar c) == 1

And quickCheck:

quickCheck :: Testable prop => prop -> IO ()

Look again

If quickCheck accepts prop_encodeOne, then the latter must be an instance of Testable.

prop_encodeOne :: Char -> Bool

quickCheck :: Testable prop => prop -> IO ()

But how? Via these two instances.

-- Satisfied by the result type
instance Testable Bool

-- Satisfied by the argument and result
instance (Arbitrary a, Show a, Testable prop)
    => Testable (a -> prop)

Long story short

If we pass quickCheck a function, then:

then quickCheck can:

So what?

We still have a broken test!

quickCheck tells us that it always passes—when it shouldn’t!

Why? We have to read the source.

module Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary where

instance Arbitrary Char where
  arbitrary = chr `fmap` oneof [choose (0,127),
                                choose (0,255)]

Oh great, QuickCheck will only generate 8-bit characters.

Our assumption that it would eventually generate big-enough inputs was wrong for Char.

Therefore our test can never fail.


Writing a new Arbitrary instance

So now we face a challenge.

We want a type that is almost exactly like Char, but that has a different Arbitrary instance.

To create such a type, we use the newtype keyword.

newtype BigChar = Big Char
                deriving (Eq, Show)

The type is named BigChar; its constructor is named Big.

We use deriving to reuse the Eq instance of the underlying Char type, and to generate a new Show instance.

What next?

We want to be able to flesh this out:

instance Arbitrary BigChar where
    arbitrary = {- ... what? ... -}

The highest Unicode code point is 0x10FFFF.

We want to generate values in this range.

We saw this earlier:

-- Generate a random value within a range.
choose :: Random a => (a,a) -> Gen a

Random values: the hard way

In order to use choose, we must make BigChar an instance of Random.

Here’s a verbose way to do it:

import Control.Arrow (first)
import System.Random

instance Random BigChar where
  random                = first Big `fmap` random
  randomR (Big a,Big b) = first Big `fmap` randomR (a,b)

Random values: easier

If we want to avoid the boilerplate code from the previous slide, we can use a trick:

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import System.Random

newtype BigChar = Big Char
                deriving (Eq, Show, Random)

Our instance, and a rerun

An instance with a body:

instance Arbitrary BigChar where
    arbitrary = choose (Big '\0',Big '\x10FFFF')

A new test that unwraps a BigChar value:

prop_encodeOne3 (Big c) = length (encodeChar c) == 1

And let’s try it:

ghci> quickCheck prop_encodeOne3
*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 1 test):
Big '\317537'

Great! Not only did our broken test fail immediately…

…but it gave us a counterexample, an input on which our test function reproducibly fails!

The magic of QuickCheck

The beauty here is several-fold:

So what?

Unit test way:

QuickCheck way:

What else?

There’s a problem with random inputs when a test fails:

Starting from a random failing input:

QuickCheck calls this shrinking.

Micro-lab: shrink a BigChar

Grab the following source file:

curl -O http://www.scs.stanford.edu/16wi-cs240h/ShrinkChar.hs

Using ghci to do some spelunking, work out a body for shrinkChar.

instance Arbitrary BigChar where
  arbitrary      = choose (Big '0',Big '\x10FFFF')
  shrink (Big c) = map Big (shrinkChar c)

-- Write a body for this.
shrinkChar c = undefined

You have 5 minutes.

Generating vs filtering values

Here are two different approaches to generating test values.

First, generate them directly (look at line 2):

prop_encodeOne2 = do
  c <- choose ('\0', '\xFFFF')
  return $ length (encodeChar c) == 1

Second, generate any old value, but filter such that we get only the ones that make sense:

-- These two are basically the same, modulo verbosity.

prop_encodeOne4 (Big c) =
  (c < '\x10000') ==> length (encodeChar c) == 1

prop_encodeOne5 = do
  Big c <- arbitrary `suchThat` (< Big '\x10000')
  return $ length (encodeChar c) == 1

Generating vs filtering

It is usually more efficient to generate only the values you’ll need, and do no filtering.

Sometimes, it’s easier to identify good values when you see them (by filtering) than to figure out how to generate them.

If QuickCheck has to generate too many values that fail a suchThat or other filter, it will give up and may not run as many tests as you want.

Mini-lab: more code!

Grab the following source code:

curl -O http://www.scs.stanford.edu/16wi-cs240h/Utf16.hs

Write a definition for decodeUtf16:

decodeUtf16 :: [Word16] -> [Char]

Decide on some (two?) QuickCheck tests, write them, and run them.

You have 10 minutes.

Sizing a test

Test data generators have an implicit size parameter, hidden inside the Gen type.

QuickCheck starts by generating small test cases; it increases the size as testing progresses.

The meaning of “size” is specific to the needs of an Arbitrary instance.

We can find the current size using the sized function, and modify it locally using resize:

sized  :: (Int -> Gen a) -> Gen a
resize ::  Int -> Gen a  -> Gen a


We’re hopefully by now familiar with the Functor class:

class Functor f  where
    fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

This takes a pure function and “lifts” it into the functor f.

In general, “lifting” takes a concept and transforms it to work in a different (sometimes more general) setting.

For instance, we can define lifting of functions with the Monad class too:

liftM :: (Monad m) => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
liftM f action = do
  b <- action
  return (f b)

fmap and liftM

Notice the similarities between the type signatures:

fmap  :: (Functor f) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
liftM :: (Monad m)   => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b

All instances of Monad can possibly be instances of Functor. Ideally, they’d be defined in terms of each other:

class (Functor m) => Monad m where
    {- blah blah -}

For historical reasons, the two classes are separate, so we write separate instances for them and just reuse the code:

instance Monad MyThingy where
    {- whatever -}

instance Functor MyThingy where
    fmap = liftM

Why the apparent digression?

It turns out that lifting pure functions into monads is really common.

So common, in fact, that Control.Monad defines a bunch of extra combinators for us.

liftM2 :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> c) -> m a -> m b -> m b
liftM2 f act1 act2 = do
  a <- act1
  b <- act2
  return (f a b)

These combinators go all the way up to liftM5.

Look familiar? Useful?

A tighter Arbitrary instance


data Point a = Point a a

instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Point a) where
    arbitrary = do
      x <- arbitrary
      y <- arbitrary
      return (Point x y)


import Control.Monad (liftM2)

instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Point a) where
    arbitrary = liftM2 Point arbitrary arbitrary

Micro-lab: shrinking a Point

QuickCheck provides us with machinery to shrink tuples.

Make use of this machinery to shrink a Point.

curl -O http://www.scs.stanford.edu/16wi-cs240h/TestPoint.hs

Take 3 minutes.

import Control.Monad
import Test.QuickCheck

data Point a = Point a a
               deriving (Eq, Show)

instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Point a) where
    arbitrary = liftM2 Point arbitrary arbitrary
    -- TODO: provide a body for shrink
    shrink = undefined

Testing a recursive data type

Suppose we have a tree type:

data Tree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
            | Leaf a
              deriving (Show)

Here’s an obvious Arbitrary instance:

instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Tree a) where
    arbitrary = oneof [
                  liftM  Leaf arbitrary
                , liftM2 Node arbitrary arbitrary

The oneof combinator chooses a generator at random.

oneof :: [Gen a] -> Gen a

What’s up, Doc?

Potential trouble:

We can use the sample function to generate and print some arbitrary data.

sample :: (Show a) => Gen a -> IO ()

This helps us to explore what’s going on.

A safer instance

Here’s where the sizing mechanism comes to the rescue.

instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Tree a) where
    arbitrary = sized tree

tree :: (Arbitrary a) => Int -> Gen (Tree a)
tree 0 = liftM Leaf arbitrary
tree n = oneof [
           liftM  Leaf arbitrary
         , liftM2 Node subtree subtree
  where subtree = tree (n `div` 2)

Where all this is going

QuickCheck is pretty great. Take the time to learn to use it.

It’s a little harder to learn to use it well than unit tests, but it pays off big time.

