Scheduler Activations --------------------- Two comparisons: 1) threads vs. process 2) kernel-level vs. user-level threads 1) kernel-level threads vs. process * what is a process? 1) set of instructions 2) some state (memory, file descriptors, signal handlers, etc.) * In Linux: clone(SIGCHLD, 0); * what is a thread? * really just a process that shares state with another process * shares: memory, file descriptors, signal handlers * In Linux: clone(CLONE_VM | CLONE_FS | CLONE_FILES | CLONE_SIGHAND, 0); 2) kernel-level vs. user-level threads * pretty simple: * kernel threads are implemented by OS - use system calls to create, manage, destroy, etc. * user-level threads are implemented by some user code - just function calls to create, maange, destroy, etc. - paper mentions that the compiler can help here with register allocation. how is that? A: we don't have to save every register, just the ones actually being used, if the compiler tells us which they are. * key difference: - OS can make _fully informed decisions_ when scheduling kernel-level threads since it has a global view of processor resources. - The user-level threading library obviously cannot. At least not without scheduler activations! 3) What can go wrong when user-level threads on top of kernel-level threads? 1. Recall the lock problem. a. setup: - processors: p1, p2 - user-level threads: u1, u2 - kernel-level threads: t1, t2, t3 (some other proc) - u1 and u2 share lock at some point b. user-level schedules u1 on t1, u2 on t2 c. kernel schedules t1, t3 d. u1 takes lock e. kernel deschedules t1, schedule t2 f. u2 tries to take lock; can't. waits and waits. - problem: kernel has no clue about critical sections. 1:1 systems vs. N:1, vs. M:N systems * 1:1 uses one kernel thread per thread * N:1 puts N user threads on one thread, and uses just one thread - example: event-like things: Node.JS * M:N puts M user threads on N kernel threads - common user-level threads, go-routines -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scheduler Activations Effective Kernel Support for the User-Level Management of Parallelism Thomas Anderson, et. al SOSP 1991 Grand Idea - Kernel processes are: - great because the kernel knows about them - so can do a relatively good job of scheduling them. - not great because they tend to be slow (i.e, context switching) - Kernel-level threads are: - good for the same reasons as kernel processes - still pretty slow (10x slower than user-level threads, according to paper) - User-level threads are: - great because they tend be fast (i.e., context switch via function call) - not so great because the kernel has no idea they exist - many user-level threads on one process - kernel may reschedule an important user-level thread, etc. - So, give user-level threads an OS API to make them better - somehow have the kernel know about what's going on with threads - somehow have the user-level thread tell the kernel what's going on - the mechanism to do both is called a "scheduler activation" Effective Kernel Support for User-Level Management of Parallelism (3) - kernel provides user-level library with its own virtual multiprocessor - here are the key aspects to this abstraction: - kernel may change number of processors in that multiprocessor - user-level library controls which threads to run on those processors - kernel notifies user-level library when: - an event it occurs: the user-level thread does the actual handling 1) it changes number of processors 2) user-level thread blocks or wakes up in the kernel - U-L library notifies kernel when it wants more/needs fewer processors - U-L library only notifies kernel of things that affect processor alloc. Kernel->User Communication (3.1) - mechanism for this U-L to K-L communication is called "scheduler activation" - name chosen because K-L events activate U-L library's scheduler - scheduler activations serve three roles: they 1) are the execution context for running user-level threads - just like a kernel-level thread: many U-L threads per activation - it seems. 2) notify the user-level thread system of a kernel event 3) provides space in kernel for saving U-L thread context when blocking - scheduler activations look pretty similar to traditional kernel threads - contains two execution stacks: one for kernel, one for app - U-L thread scheduler runs on the activation's user-level stack - each U-L thread is allocated its own stack when it starts - when a program starts: - kernel creates a scheduler activation, assigns it to processor - then, upcalls into a fixed entry point - U-L library initializes intself and runs the main app. thread - main thread may request more processors - kernel creates an additional scheduler activation for each processor - upcalls into the U-L to tell it that new processor is ready - when kernel needs to notify U-L of events - create new scheduler activation, assigns it to processor - jumps (upcalls_ into some entry point - then, app can do whatever it wants, just like if it was in a k-thread - crucial distinction is: - kernel never resumes stopped (i.e, because of blocking) U-L threads - instead, new scheduler activation is created - notifies U-L of stopped U-L thread - U-L decides what to do by: - saving state and "removing" old thread for old activation - tells kernel old activation can be reused - decies which thread to run on the processor - invariant: # RUNNING scheduler activations == # virtual processors - when new processor is added, new scheduler activation - because when U-L blocks, launch new scheduler activation - the following the scheduler activation upcall points: 1) new processor added 2) processor has been preempted 3) scheduler activation has blocked 3) scheduler activation has unblocked - usually occur in combinations, so only one scheduler activation is created - Example: a user-level thread blocks in the kernel 1) kernel uses a fresh scheduler activation to notify U-L of event - so this means you have a runnable schedular activation (this one!) - U-L can run other U-L threads on this activation 2) when U-L thread unblocks, kernel uses fresh activation to nofify U-L - remember: invariant of 1 scheduler activation per "processor" - if U-L has no "processors" (how?) kernel allocates new processor - notifies U-L of new processor AND of resumable blocked thread in one - if U-L has "processors", may have to preempt a "processor" to do upcall - first notifies of resumable blocked thread - then of preempted thread (which was on the preempted "processor") - U-L can decide which of the two (preempted or resumable) to execute - to resume a U-L thread, need that thread's state - most of the state is already in U-L: stack, control block - registers are saved by the kernel on blocking call - kernel passes registers to U-L when notifying of I/O completion - Example: kernel needs to take a processor away from U-L A and give to B 1) interrupts processor in A, stops existing activation - kernel doesn't need permission to steal processor 2) "moves" processor to B, does upcall on this process in B w/new activation 3) notifies A on existing some existing processor on a - starts new activation by preempting whatever's on that processor - notifies about two prremptions: 1) moving processor away 2) the old activation on this processor 4) U-L A decides what to with the two preempted U-L threads - what happens when last processor is moved away? - delay notification until kernel eventually re-allocates it a processor - U-L library might want to maintain priorities of U-L threads - so, when a higher priority thread gets preempted, U-L can - somehow ask kernel to preempt the processor with the lower priority - can do this because U-L knows where threads are - scheduler activations can be used to implement things other than U-L threads - kernel doesn't need to know about the data structures used to represent parallelism at the user-level - scheduler activations work even when there are no U-L threads - IE, when only the U-L thread manager is running - simple creates a new scheduler activation - reentrant U-L thread managers can then do what they need in there - if a U-L thread needs to do work in the kernel after some I/O unblocks - kernel does the right thing and does the work, THEN upcalls U-L User->Kernel Communication (3.2) - the U-L thread system need not tell the kernel about every operation - key observation - U-L system notifies the kernel when: 1) it has more runnable threads than "processors" "add more processors (#)" 2) it has more "processors" than runnable threads "this processor is idle" - Two cases to look at: a) U-L system has more runnable threads than "processors" - if kernel doesn't assign new processors, then they MUST be busy b) U-L system has more "processors" than runnable threads - if kernel doesn't remove unused processors, then system must be idle - so, U-L can keep adding parallelism without noifying kernel - these notifications are only hints - requesting a "processor" doesn't guarantee you a processor NOW - requests are serialized - U-L requests processor - ... time passes ... - U-L finally gets processor, but doesn't need it - U-L must say it doesn't need it - you have to trust them? - Yeah, but not unique to this system. - Yeah, kernel doesn't actually know about what's running. - Can incentivize honest guys. Dealing with preemption during critical sections (3.3) - don't want bad stuff to happen when a U-L thread gets preempted - like scheduling a U-L thread that's just going to sit there and wait - or worse, dead-lock: - preempted thread holds lock on user-level thread ready list - newly scheduled thread marks prempted thread a RUNNABLE and tries to put preempted thread into list (this sounds like bad programming) - two options: 1) let the kernel know that you're entering a critical section - slow. 2) have a way to recover when this happens - this is the approach they take - U-L system wil receive an upcall when a thread is prempted - U-L can check if the preempted thread was in a critical section - if so, U-L system continues that thread until it's out of the criical section - once critical section is done, U-L can safely place preempted thread on ready list - Q: fun question: what if that U-L gets preempted while waiting? - then just do the same thing in the activation: stack them up Implementation - + 1200 lines to kernel (Topaz), + ~250 to user-level library (FastThreads) - most code was concerned with implementing processor allocation policy - Processor allocation policy tries to be fair: - tries to never waste processors - distributes free processors evenly across spaces that need some - Their implementation also has regular kernel threads - internel kernel implementation uses scheduler activations - so they actually do internal "downcalls", but, you know, just f-calls Performance Enhancements (4.3) - So, you want this to fast. - most performance consideration pertain to dealing with critical sections - somehow, U-L systems needs to know that a U-L thread is in a critical sect. - one way is to set a flag when it enters and clear when it leaves - apparently, this is not fast enough - adds ~10us, which is ~20% overhead (from 5.1) - ideally, don't want to do any work unless preemption occurs - instead, use the compiler (lol) - mark each crticial section in code - so know you know the start and end PC of the crticial section - what about function calls in there? - they use a flag in this case - hopefully is rare. try to inline? make them small? - make copy each critical section - add a few lines to end to yield processor back to resumer - IE, the U-L scheduler thing - when U-L system gets preemption upcall - check PC to see if in crticial section or if the flag was set - if in critical section, jump to the copied code - copied code will jump back to the resumer - how? probably just does a 'ret', so need to do 'call' to copy - scheduler activations are kinda expensive to create - so cache their structures for reuse (like a slab allocator, sounds like) - discarded scheduler activations can be collected and returned in bulk - so batching