Mining attacks ============== Homework 2 is out, due Monday; note weird office hours this week Warm-up: The Finney attack (double spending) Malicious miner controls two addresses A and B Includes A->B payment in every block it tries to mine Win the block? Don't publish it immediately Instead, run to a store and spend A->C Publish private branch as soon as miner get the goods If its chain is longer, will succeed at double-spend attack 51% attacks aren't that hard on less established blockchains Especially if hash used by other blockchains (or CPU/GPU feasible) Zencash Between blocks 318165 and 318275, the attacker(s) caused multiple reorganizations of the blockchain, reverting 38 blocks in the longest reorganization. In block 318204 and 318234 the attacker(s) performed double-spend attacks. BTG they were able to deposit funds on exchanges and quickly withdraw them again, after which they reversed the initial transaction so that they could send the coins they had originally deposited to another wallet. Verge Can censor transactions with punitive forking 51% of miners (by hash power) announce they are censoring some transactions Won't mine on chains with censored transactions to/from victims Now honest miners won't wast time mining block with censored transactions Feather forking <50% miners announce won't directly on block with censored transactions But will mine on grandchildren blocks with censored transactions So not completely censored What does this mean for rational miners who don't care? If you include censored transaction, more likely to create orphan block So maybe just avoid censored transactions Another variant, don't mine blocks whose parent has censored transaction Eclipse attack Bitcoin overlay network node typical parameters: Only allow outgoing TCP connections to 8 other nodes Only accept up to 117 incoming TCP connections How do nodes know where to connect? Initially get peer addresses from DNS seeds (e.g., Receive ADDR command, specifying up to 1000 known peers/timestamps Each node stores set of peers in "tried" table on disk Each node hashed to one of 64 "buckets" of 64 entries each Nodes semi-randomly evicted from "tried" buckets when full pick 4 peers in bucket, evict one with oldest timestamp Eviction actually sends node back to the new bucket Mapping also uses "group" (IPv4 /16) to restrict to 4 buckets Each node also keeps "new" table 256 buckets (64 nodes each) that it has not tried to connect to yet Select buckets based on group (IPv4 /16) of peer But also based on group (IPv4 /16) of node who told us about this peer Similar eviction to tried, but discard evicted instead of downgrading Randomly connect to another node when outgoing connection dropped Pick between new/tried with probability depending on number of currently good outgoing connections ratio of sizes of new and tried So can consume all of a victim node's connections in overlay network Use botnet to own IP addresses in many groups Connect to victim node 117 times Send ADDR command with all your own IP addresses Effectively a Sybil attack on overlay network By controlling what victim miners learn, can: - Engineer block races (so miners waste time on orphan blocks) - Can split mining power (making 51% and Finney attacks easier) - Also facilitate other attacks we will see... Timewarp attack - Manipulate timestamps to decrease difficulty Could reject invalid timestamps, but would cause soft fork with orphans Doesn't seem like a real problem in practice Could even intentionally exploit "forward blocks" to obtain better scaling! "Goldfinger" attacks - Extrinsic incentives to mess with blockchain - Government wants to censor to enforce law, detect money laundering, etc. - Non-state actor wants to pursue social goal ("Occupy Bitcoin") - Market manipulator who shorted Bitcoin wants to shake confidence in coin - Stakeholder in one coin is afraid of competition from newer altcoins Several happened against new chains in 2013 Feathercoin The network was operating at a sustained 0.2 Gigahashes/sec prior to the attack. It jumped to 1.5 Gigahashes/sec... might be linked to another attack that occurred on May 23... a mining pool solved a block... orphaned by someone mining from a vanity address, "feathercoinsucks". Terracoin Selfish mining What happens if a pool S doesn't immediately publish mined blocks? Starts on next block while other pools waste time on shorter chain Consider this "selfish mining" strategy (S rewards S, O rewards other pool) When S mines new block S*, withold it unless was competing at same length: publish here: X -- S -- S* but not here: X -- S -- S* \-- O When other pool mines block O*, keep lead of 2 or publish all publish: X -- S -- S -- S X -- S \-- O -- O* \-- O* publish 1 block (S0) to maintain lead of 2: X -- S0 -- S1 -- S2 \-- O* Two key parameters to analyze selfish mining: \alpha - fraction of mining power controlled by selfish mining pool \gamma - Prob. honest miners chose S* when equal length branches [state 0'] [Show figure 1 in selfish mining paper.] When is selfish mining profitable? [Show figure 2] If \gamma = 1, always. Why? No penalty for withholding If \gamma = 0.5, pool needs \alpha > 0.25 for selfish profitability If \gamma = 0, pool needs \alpha > 0.33 for selfish profitability Analytic solution: (1-\gamma)/(3-2\gamma) < \alpha < 0.5 Why does graph [figure 2] only go up to \alpha=0.5? At \alpha > 0.5, just publish everything and ignore other pools This could be catastrophic for centralization Pool with selfish advantage pays higher reward to attract miners Says, "we'll close pool to new miners when we hit 51%" Join now or risk losing your investment on mining equipment! What do you think \gamma is in Bitcoin? ~1 (worst case) Why? Just use an eclipse attack Throttle propagation of O blocks until S is sent first Selfish mining in the wild: Monacoin What can we do about selfish mining? Original authors: don't mine on first block heard, chose randomly if multiple Easy backwards compatible way to ensure \gamma ~ 0.5 instead of 1 New proposal: Publish or Perish Estimate \tau to be upper bound on propagation time Incorporate new type of uncle block into chain: Uncles can only be one deep in chain (no great-uncles) Uncles must be received within time \tau of current chain tail Define the *weight* of a chain to be Number of "on-time" blocks and embedded in chain history, including uncles Note relative definition! I might consider a block on time, you not New mining rules: If two chains differ by >= k blocks, mine on longest one Allows us to recover from different ideas of weight Otherwise, mine on chain with greatest weight If weights tied, then pick one randomly Consider normal selfish mining [Show figure 1 left] Selfish miner reveals first block, but pre-mined second block has no uncle So even a lead of 2 is no advantage What if selfish miner withholds? Now its blocks are not on-time, so its chain has less weight Another possibility: Eliminate pools through non-outsourceable mining puzzles E.g., require Hash(Sign(coinbase-recipient, header)) < max/D Often use two-phase mining, where phase2 requires "coinbase" private key So reward coins go to miner, not pool manager (or miner knows coinbase key) But miners could mine for themselves and pay a fee to pool manager I.e., all shares must be for blocks paying a fee to pool operator Block withholding attacks If a pool member releases shares but not full solutions, hurts mining pool Infiltrator shares in mining reward without increasing effective hash rate What if one pool infiltrates another? Reduces overall hash effective hash rate in system and hence rewards But attacker can potentially increase its share of rewards When Bitcoin difficulty resets after 2016 blocks, could be profitable But what if all pools attack other pools? Creates lots of wasted work, reduces difficulty => blockchain less secure "miner's dilemma" ~ prisoner's dilemma Might China attack Bitcoin? By end of 2013 half of Bitcoin transactions happening on Chinese exchanges Single exchange BTC China handled 1/3 of worldwide volume China limits investment assets, BTC could hedge inflation, offer upside Mobile payment more prevalent in China (so crypto more intuitive) Maybe decentralization appealing as counterpoint to government Situation not ideal from Chinese government point of view Bitcoin could be used to evade capital controls (remove money from Country) Facilitated trade-based money laundering US criminals buy Chinese goods, sell in Mexico, South America December 2013 China banned buying and selling Bitcoin or treating as currency Used grounds of criminal activity and speculative risk Exchanges could still operate, but had to obey KYC/AML laws Using loopholes, China became 98% of exchange volume by December 2016: - Selling redeemable voucher codes instead of BTC directly - Deploying ATMs to convert physical cash to BTC - Using corporate/personal bank accounts In 2017, Chinese government really clamped down on Bitcoin Warned exchanges to comply with 2013 law and banned ICOs In September ordered all exchanges shut down Early 2018 banned loopholes: OTC/peer-to-peer trading, foreign listings Now China less than 1% of world exchange volume But China still has great leverage over Bitcoin ASIC manufacturers (including BitMain = 70% of market) located in China *Mining* is a different story from exchanges: 80% of BTC mining by 6 pools, 5 of them managed from China 74% of hashing power controlled by Chinese pools Doesn't mean all hashing located there, but still lots of control Can set price of electricity to disadvantage Bitcoin 2018 trying to limit power subsidy for mining to scale down operations Great firewall (GFW) and great cannon Adds latency & throttles bandwidth, incentivizes mining empty blocks One study: full blocks take 17.4 sec to cross GFW (vs. 3.9 sec) June 2016: compact block relay optimization reduces empty blocks Why might China still care about Bitcoin? Make ideological statement against decentralization Aid law enforcement (censor people to flush out illegal use of Bitcoin) Increase control (e.g., disrupt non-Chinese mining pools) Exert influence over anyone using Bitcoin outside China What kinds of attacks is China well placed to carry out? Censor transactions Punative or feather forking Eclipse attacks GFW/great cannon/ISP-level filtering can achieve equivalent to eclipse De-anonymize transactions (Dan will say more in lecture 13) GFW and domestic ISP monitoring will help a lot with this Undermine consensus to destabilize the system Finney, Goldfinger, or brute-force (51%) attacks Balance attack - disrupt communication between mining groups Cause well-intentioned miners to create deep forks