C++20 idioms for parameter packs

David Mazières

June, 2022


C++11 introduced variadic templates, which permit type-safe functions to accept a variable number of arguments. They also permit template types such as std::tuple that can hold a variable number of elements. The main language mechanism enabling variadic templates is parameter packs, which hold an arbitrary number of values or types. Some things are easy to do with parameter packs—for instance, passing the values they comprise to a function. Other tasks are a bit trickier to accomplish, such as iterating over a parameter pack or extracting specific elements. However, these things can generally be accomplished through various idioms, some more unwieldy than others.

Between C++11 and C++20, the language gained several improvements to variadic templates. Improvements to other features, such as concepts and lambdas, have also created new options for manipulating parameter packs, thereby enabling new variadic template idioms. This post lays out a grab-bag of techniques for using parameter packs in C++20. Ideally, cataloging these tricks makes it easier for people to do what they need with variadic templates. My interest in producing a clean C++20-focused exposition stems from a conjecture that variadic templates are easier to learn to use without the baggage of how we used to do things in C++17 and earlier. Moreover, even if a lot of the idioms are obvious at a high level, they provide a good context in which to showcase some of the new features of C++20.

Overview of variadic templates

A variadic template is a template whose definition captures a parameter pack in its template arguments or function arguments. A parameter pack is captured by introducing an identifier prefixed by an ellipsis, as in ...X. Once captured, a parameter pack can later be used in a pattern expanded by an ellipsis (generally, but not always, to the right of the pattern). Pack expansion is conceptually equivalent to having one copy of the pattern for each element of the parameter pack. Here’s a silly example of a program that prints “one two ”:

print_strings(std::convertible_to<std::string_view> auto&& ...s)
  for (auto v : std::initializer_list<std::string_view>{ s... })
    std::cout << v << " ";
  std::cout << std::endl;

  print_strings("one", std::string{"two"});

The print_strings function takes an arbitrary number of arguments, all of which are captured by the parameter pack ...s in line 2. In line 4, this parameter pack is expanded as s... to specify the values from which to construct an initializer_list. We then iterate over the initializer_list to print the strings.

As a reminder, the appearance of the placholder auto in the arguments of print_strings makes print_strings an abbreviated function template, which introduces an implicit template type parameter for each occurrence of the placeholder. The use of auto&& as opposed to auto or auto& is known as a forwarding reference, which can accept both lvalue and rvalue references (a confusing syntax since in most contexts postfix && matches only rvalue references).1 We need the universality of a forwarding reference because "one" is an lvalue (of type const char(&)[4]) while std::string{"two"} is a prvalue—the former cannot be captured by rvalue reference and the latter cannot be captured by non-const lvalue reference.2 Finally, note that the type-constraint convertible_to restricts the types that match the template argument; without this constraint, the program would still work, but invocations of print_strings with incompatible types would create less intuitive error messages and, worse, any overloads of the print_strings function would cause ambiguity errors.

Expanding parameter packs

A captured parameter pack must be used in a pattern that is expanded with an ellipsis (...). A pattern is a set of tokens containing the identifiers of one or more parameter packs. When a pattern contains more than one parameter pack, all packs must have the same length. This length determines the number of times the pattern is conceptually replicated in the expansion, once for each position in the expanded pack(s). Here’s a simple example:

void dummy(auto&&...) {}

template<std::same_as<char> ...C>
  std::tuple<C...> tpl(c...);

  const char msg[] = { C(std::toupper(c))..., '\0' };
  dummy(msg, c...);

In line 3, the function expand captures a template parameter pack C consisting of a sequence of zero or more types, all of which must be char because of our use of the std::same_as concept. In line 5, we capture a function parameter pack c consisting of a sequence of values ci each of type Ci for the ith position in parameter pack C. (Of course, in this example every Ci is char.) We then see several contexts in which these packs are expanded:

In most cases, an expanded pattern is conceptually equivalent to a number of copies of the pattern equal to the size of the parameter pack. Unless otherwise noted, a pattern is expanded by appending an ellipsis (...). It is illegal to use a captured parameter pack except in a pattern expanded by an ellipsis. Here is the list of contexts in which a pattern can be expanded:

While a pack expansion mostly behaves like a series of copies of the pattern, it is okay to have a pack of size zero even when the program wouldn’t otherwise be syntactically well formed. For example, while f(x,) and struct MyStruct : {}; are not valid C++ syntax, f(x, pack...) and struct MyStruct : Base... {}; are okay even with empty parameter packs for pack and Base.

A pattern may itself contain an expanded parameter pack, in which case there is no need for the inner and outer packs to contain the same number of elements. The expansion of the inner pack simply becomes part of the pattern around the outer pack. For example:

    constexpr int
    sum(std::convertible_to<int> auto ...il)
      int r = 0;
      for (int i : { int(il)... })
        r += i;
      return r;

    template<int ...N>
    struct Nested {
      static constexpr int nested_sum(auto ...v) {
        return sum(sum(N..., v)...);

    static_assert(Nested<1>::nested_sum(100, 200) == 302);
    // Equivalent to:  sum(sum(1, 100),sum(1, 200)) == 302

It is worth noting that a pack expansion is not valid outside of the contexts listed above. In particular, you cannot expand a free-floating expression (though see folds below), and you cannot expand a case clause in a switch statement.


The sizeof... operator returns a std::size_t corresponding to the number of elements in a parameter pack. While technically considered a pack expansion, it only ever returns a single value. Unlike ordinary sizeof, the argument to sizeof... must always be parenthesized and consist of a single identifier naming a parameter pack.


Another special form of pack expansion is folds, introduced in C++17. Above, we showed a function sum that summed a set of integers. This function can be implemented far more concisely with a fold:

    constexpr int
    sum(std::convertible_to<int> auto ...i)
      return (0 + ... + i);

Folds are defined in terms of the grammar rule for a cast-expression, which is a C++ expression whose outer operators bind at least a tightly (i.e., have precedence at least as high as) the C-style cast operator (Type) val. As an example, &p[5] is a cast-expression, because the left-associative subscript ([]) operator binds more tightly than a cast, while the right associative address-of operator (&) has the same precedence as a cast. By contrast, the expression 3*i is not a cast-expression, because binary * has lower precedence than a cast. Parenthesizing an expression with lower-precedence operators, such as (3*i), makes it into a cast-expression.

There are four types of fold in C++. In these examples, let pat be a cast-expression containing one more more unexpanded parameter packs (i.e., a pattern). Let e be a normal cast-expression without any unexpanded parameter packs. Let p1, …, pn be the instances of pat corresponding to each element captured by pat’s unexpanded parameter packs. Let stand for any binary operator in the C++ grammar (.*, ->*, *, /, %, +, -, <<, >>, <=>, <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, &, ^, |, &&, ||, =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |=, or the comma operator “,”).

A binary left fold has the form (e...pat) and is equivalent to (((e ⊕ p1) ⊕ p2) ⊕ ⋯) ⊕ pn.

A unary left fold has the form (...pat) and is equivalent to ((p1 ⊕ p2) ⊕ ⋯) ⊕ pn.

A binary right fold has the form (pat...e) and is equivalent to p1(p2(⋯⊕(pne))).

A unary right fold has the form (pat...) and is equivalent to p1(p2(⋯ ⊕ pn)).

Note that parentheses are always required around a fold, regardless of context.

When the parameter pack is empty (has size 0), a binary fold is equivalent to e. A unary fold over an empty parameter pack is only permitted for 3 specific binary operators:

For all other binary operators, a unary fold over an empty parameter pack results in an ill-formed program.

Capturing parameter packs

While parameter packs can be expanded in a variety of places, they can only be captured in a much more restricted set of contexts. There’s an appealing proposal for allowing parameter packs in structured bindings, which would simplify a lot of idioms, but as of now there are only three contexts in which you can introduce a new pack: template parameter packs, function parameter packs, and init-capture packs. In all cases, the ellipsis must appear immediately to the left of the identifier capturing the parameter pack (...X).

Template parameter packs

Template parameter packs consist of types, templates, and values within the angle brackets of a template definition. Any normal template parameter can be turned into a pack by prefixing the identifier with an ellipsis. For example:

    template<typename ...T> struct S1{};
    template<int ...I> struct S2{};
    template<template<typename> typename ...Tmpls> struct S3{};

With two exceptions, a template parameter pack must generally be the last entry in the template parameter list. The first exception is for function templates, where template arguments can be inferred from the function arguments. So long as every template parameter following a captured parameter pack can be inferred, it is okay for the pack not to be last. The second exception is in template specializations, where captured packs may be used in the specialization. For example:

    // Illegal for pack not to be last
    template<typename ...T1, typename ...T2> struct S{}; // error
    S<int, int, bool> a;  // If this were legal, what would T1 and T2 be?

    // Okay to put ...Tmpls first because T inferred from function argument
    template<template<typename...> typename ...Tmpls, typename T>
    ptr_tuple(const T &v)
      // Exception-safe since C++17 (see P0145R3)
      return std::tuple(Tmpls<T>(new T(v))...);
    auto ones = ptr_tuple<std::shared_ptr, std::unique_ptr>(1);

    using std::tuple;

    template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
    struct is_tuple_cat : std::false_type {};

    // Okay for ...T1 not to be last in specialization
    template<typename ...T1, typename ...T2>
    struct is_tuple_cat<tuple<T1...>, tuple<T2...>, tuple<T1..., T2...>>
      : std::true_type {};

    static_assert(is_tuple_cat<tuple<int>, tuple<char*>, tuple<int, char*>>{});
    static_assert(!is_tuple_cat<tuple<int>, tuple<char*>, tuple<int, bool>>{});

A template parameter can also be an expansion of another parameter pack, as we saw in the definition of Inner above.

Function parameter packs

Function parameter packs consist of values in the argument list of a function. We’ve seen examples like c in expand(C...c) and i in sum(std::convertible_to<int> auto ...i). There’s a big restriction that a function parameter pack must either itself be a pack expansion (as in expand) or else contain the placeholder auto (as in sum). Otherwise, the program is ill-formed. This is why all the examples make heavy use of std::convertible_to. The C++ committee considered but rejected allowing homogeneous variadic function parameters, which would have permitted the following simpler code:

    template<> constexpr int
    sum(int ...i)  // illegal
      return (0 + ... + i);

Why not allow the above code? The problem lies in the fact that, for compatibility with really old C++, there are two ways of defining a C-style variadic function function:

    int printf(const char *, ...);  // better way, required by C
    int printf(const char *...);    // 1983 C++ way, before C had prototypes

If C++ allowed homogeneous variadic function parameters, there would be an ambiguity between the older style of varargs definition above and a template function printf accepting a homogeneous parameter pack of const char * values. The standard unfortunately requires that the ambiguity be resolved in favor of the C-style varargs interpretation. The proposal to fix this did require an extra template<> in front of our definition of sum, which avoided the ambiguity. Moreover, if you give the parameter pack i a name, that also avoids any ambiguity. But the proposal lost anyway, so you can’t do that.

Is there a workaround for the lack of homogeneous variadic function parameters? The following two functions seem like reasonable substitutes for the illegal f(int ...i):

    int f1(std::same_as<int> auto ...i);
    int f2(std::convertible_to<int> auto ...i);

Unfortunately, it is important to realize that neither is quite equivalent. When a parameter type is declared int, unlike auto, it triggers integer conversion. A concept such as same_as doesn’t change the type inferred by auto, it only restricts permissible types. Hence, calling f1(0, sizeof(int)) won’t match the above function, because sizeof(int) is a std::size_t, so the second argument type is inferred as std::size_t, which fails the constraint test std::same_as<int>. The invocation f2(0, sizeof(int)) is okay, but its arguments are of heterogeneous type, which means inside f2 writing code such as for (int n : { i... }) won’t work.

A workaround for f2 is to use a cast in the pattern for expanding i, as in for (int n : { int(i)... }). This solution is perfectly fine for int. Unfortunately, for types with non-trivial constructors, such as std::string, f2 can lead to gratuitous copies. For example, suppose that instead of taking int, we have a type Obj:

    struct Obj { void use() { /* ... */ } /* ... */ };

    void good() {}
    void good(Obj o1) { o1.use(); }
    void good(Obj o1, Obj o2) { o1.use(); o2.use(); }
    // ...

    bad(std::convertible_to<Obj> auto&& ...o)
      // Unary fold over comma
      (Obj{std::forward<decltype(o)>(o)}.use(), ...);

If you call good({}) or good(Obj{}), you will construct exactly one object of type Obj. If you call bad({}), the program is ill-formed (the compiler doesn’t know what type {} should be). If you call bad(Obj{}), then you will construct two objects of type Obj. First, a temporary will be constructed to pass into bad. Next, the cast expression in the fold will move-construct a second Obj object from the first. See the homogeneous function parameter packs idiom for a way to work around this problem.

Init-capture packs

The simplest way to capture a parameter pack in a lambda expression is simply to expand it into a conceptual list of values to capture, as seen above. Sometimes, however, you want to capture variables with an explicit initializer. For example, if your function parameter pack contains rvalue references, it may be more efficient to move-initialize the lambda’s captures than to copy-initialize them. You can capture a parameter pack in the capture clause of a lambda by prefixing an identifier with an ellipsis. In this case, the initializer must be a pattern containing one or more packs (of the same length). Here’s an example that will avoid copying any temporary strings passed in as arguments:

    template<std::convertible_to<std::string> ...T>
    make_prefixer(T&& ...args)
      using namespace std::string_literals;
      return [...p=std::string(std::forward<T>(args))](std::string msg) {
        // binary right fold over +
        return ((p + ": "s + msg + "\n"s) + ... + ""s);

      auto p = make_prefixer("BEGIN", "END");
      std::cout << p("message");
      // prints:
      // BEGIN: message
      // END: message


Below is a collection of idioms for working with parameter packs. I place all the code in this blog post in the public domain, so feel free to cut and paste. To keep things concise, I’ve omitted include files, but the system library features used in the examples come from the following set of includes:

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <concepts>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>

Recursing over argument lists

The most basic variadic template idiom, probably already known to most people reading this blog post, is to iterate over the argument list recursively, using function overloading to differentiate the base case (no arguments) from the recursive case (one or more). A silly example:

inline void

printall(const auto &first, const auto &...rest)
  std::cout << first;

Of course, since C++17, many uses of recursion are better accomplished with folds:

printall2(const auto &...args)
  // binary left fold
  (std::cout << ... << args);

Recursing over template parameters

Another common technique is to recurse over template parameters. This can be done to consume the elements of a parameter pack, produce elements of a parameter, or both. Here’s a simple example in which we recursively produce the arguments of a parameter pack. The goal is, at compile time, to produce a string corresponding to a number (so that you can safely use the string even in global initializers). We recurse over the parameter N so long as it is greater than 10, producing one digit at a time. Finally, when N is less than 10, we return a char[] from inside the string_holder template.

template<char ...Cs>
struct string_holder {
  static constexpr std::size_t len = sizeof...(Cs);
  static constexpr char value[] = { Cs..., '\0' };
  constexpr operator const char *() const { return value; }
  constexpr operator std::string() const { return { value, len }; }

template<size_t N, char...Cs>
consteval auto
  if constexpr (N < 10)
    return string_holder<N+'0', Cs...>{};
    return index_string<N/10, (N%10)+'0', Cs...>();

// "10"
constinit const char *ten = index_string<10>();

If you want to consume and produce argument packs recursively, then you need to use some kind of holder type so as to accommodate multiple parameter packs simultaneously. The string_holder type above is an example of such a holder type. Suppose we want a function add_commas that adds a comma between every three characters of a string starting from the right. We can do this by consuming the argument pack of one string_holder while producing the argument pack of another:

template<char ...Out>
consteval auto
add_commas(string_holder<>, string_holder<Out...> out)
  return out;

template<char In0, char ...InRest, char ...Out>
consteval auto
add_commas(string_holder<In0, InRest...>, string_holder<Out...> = {})
  if constexpr (sizeof...(InRest) % 3 == 0 && sizeof...(InRest) > 0)
    return add_commas(string_holder<InRest...>{},
                      string_holder<Out..., In0, ','>{});
    return add_commas(string_holder<InRest...>{},
                      string_holder<Out..., In0>{});

// "1,000,000"
constinit const char *million = add_commas(index_string<1'000'000>());

Comma fold

Often you want to do the same operation to every element in a parameter pack. While you can accomplish this by recursing over the parameter pack, it can be simpler to use a fold over the comma operator, which just sequences one expression after the other. To avoid any strange behavior in cases where the program overloads operator,, you can cast the expression to void. Here’s a simple example of a function that inserts an arbitrary number of elements into a container supporting an insert method:

template<typename T, typename ...E>
multi_insert(T &t, E&&...e)
  // unary right fold over comma
  (void(t.insert(std::forward<E>(e))), ...);

  std::set<int> s;
  multi_insert(s, 1, 4, 7, 10);
  for (auto i : s)
    std::cout << i << " ";
  std::cout << std::endl;
  // prints:
  // 1 4 7 10

As always, remember that folds must be parenthesized, and that a bare expression cannot be expanded as a pattern. Neither of the following alternate function bodies for multi_insert would compile:

void(t.insert(std::forward<E>(e))), ...;  // error: bad fold
t.insert(std::forward<E>(e))...;  // error: bad expansion context

Short-circuiting && and || folds

Sometimes you want to iterate over a parameter pack until some condition holds. Of course, you can do this with recursion, simply ending the recursion when you hit the stop condition. However, the recursive approach can be cumbersome and require you to define several functions. As an alternative, you can fold over the logical && and || operators, which short-circuit evaluation and stop doing anything the minute the condition is guaranteed to be true or false. Here’s an example of a function that finds the index of the first item in a tuple to satisfy some arbitrary predicate functor f:

template<typename T, typename F>
tuple_find(const T &t, F &&f)
  return std::apply([&f](const auto &...e) {
    std::size_t r = 0;
    ((std::forward<F>(f)(e) || (++r, false)) || ...);
    return r;
  }, t);

  std::tuple t(-2, -1, 0U, 1UL, 2ULL);
  std::cout << tuple_find(t, [](auto i) {
    return std::cmp_greater(i, -1);
  }) << std::endl;
  // prints:
  // 2

Incidentally, while this has nothing to do with parameter packs, let me gratuitously plug C++20’s safe integer comparison functions. Had our lambda predicate read return i > -1 instead of std::cmp_greater(i, -1), the program would have printed 5, because 0U > -1 is false.

Often the comma operator is handy to execute some action before testing the stop condition in a fold over a logical operator. For another example of the technique, see this implementation of operator<=> on a tuple-like type.

Using lambda expressions to capture packs

While parameter packs can be expanded in many contexts, you sometimes need to deconstruct a template type to extract the parameter pack. This can be awkward because there are fewer contexts in which to capture a pack. Worst-case scenario, this can be done by defining a helper type or function, but this leads to a lot of code and exposes the private internals of your implementation. One way to keep things more self-contained is with a lambda expression.

Lambdas are particularly helpful in working with tuples. Combining a lambda with std::apply lets you capture a parameter pack corresponding to the contents of a tuple.

tuple_mult(auto scalar, auto tpl)
  return apply([&scalar]<typename ...T>(T...t) {
      return std::tuple(T(scalar * t)...);
    }, tpl);

  auto t = std::tuple(1, 2U, 4.0);
  t = tuple_mult(2, t);
  std::cout << get<0>(t) << " "
            << get<1>(t) << " "
            << get<2>(t) << std::endl;
  // prints:
  // 2 4 8

Using lambdas to capture parameter packs is especially useful with std::integer_sequence<typename T, T...>, a trivial type akin to string_holder above, but for holding an arbitrary integer type T. Since std::size_t is often what you want, the alias std::index_sequence<T...> is equivalent to std::integer_sequence<std::size_t, T...>. To create std::integer_sequence types, you can use the type alias std::make_integer_sequence<T, N> (or the std::size_t-specific std::make_index_sequence<N>) to make an integer sequence containing the numbers from 0 through N-1.

Suppose you want to add two tuples, element by element. You could use two nested lambdas to expand the two tuples in succession, but this would be a bit awkward. Instead, you can use std::make_index_sequence to get the tuple indices, then use the indices in a pattern that accesses the elements of both tuples element by element. Here is the code:

template<typename T>
tuple_add(const T &a, const T&b)
  return [&a, &b]<std::size_t ...I>(std::index_sequence<I...>) {
    return std::tuple(get<I>(a) + get<I>(b)...);

  auto t = std::tuple(1, 2U, 4.0);
  t = tuple_add(t, tuple_mult(10, t));
  std::cout << get<0>(t) << " "
            << get<1>(t) << " "
            << get<2>(t) << std::endl;
  // prints:
  // 11 22 44

Once again, life is better in C++20 because a lambda expression can have explicit type parameters, allowing us to capture the template parameter pack ...I from the inferred std::index_sequence type of the function argument.

Using lambda expressions to capture packs in requires clauses

You can also use lambdas in requires clauses. Suppose you want to define a user-defined literal _hex to create strings from a series of hexadecimal digits specifying bytes. For example, the constant 0x48656c6c6f21_hex should be equivalent to std::string{"Hello!"}. The C++ standard says such an operator must be defined as exactly template<char ...C> operator""_hex(), where the template arguments are the characters of the literal. It might be nice to strip the first two characters ('0' and 'x') from the literal with different template parameters, but unfortunately C++ disallows alternate definitions such as template<char Zero, char X, char ...C> operator""_hex().

Here’s one possible implementation, where we simply create an array from the template arguments and iterate over the characters, skipping the first two:

constexpr int
hexdigit(char c)
  if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
    return c - '0';
  c |= 0x20;            // convert upper- to lower-case
  if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
    return c - ('a' - 10);
  return -1;            // invalid

template<char ...C>
requires (sizeof...(C)%2 == 0)
constexpr std::string
  constexpr std::array digits{ C... };
  std::string result{};
  for (std::size_t i = 2; i < digits.size(); i += 2)
    result += char(hexdigit(digits[i])<<4 | hexdigit(digits[i+1]));
  return result;

  std::cout << 0x48656c6c6f21_hex << std::endl;
  // prints:
  // Hello!

Unfortunately, there are a few problems with this code. First, nothing requires the constant to start with 0x. For example, you could type a decimal constant 1234_hex, and the result would be nonsense (the first two digits skipped). We could also feed in a floating point number such as 0xa98.76p0_hex, which is allowed by the language, and we would get nonsense. To prevent this, we could maybe sprinkle some static_assert statements in the code, but: A) We’d rather the operator""_hex function simply not match than return confusing errors from within the function, or more confusingly still, a helper function, and B) We want all except the second character (x) to be valid hex characters, so a simple && fold over all the digits won’t do the right thing.

Of course, this could be handled by defining custom helper types and maybe a dedicated concept, but a cleaner solution is just to unpack the parameter pack with a lambda right in the requires clause:

template<char ...C>
requires (sizeof...(C)%2 == 0 &&
          [](char zero, char x, auto ...rest) {
            return zero == '0' && x == 'x' && ((hexdigit(rest) != -1) && ...);
constexpr std::string
  constexpr std::array digits{ C... };
  std::string result{};
  for (std::size_t i = 2; i < digits.size(); i += 2)
    result += char(hexdigit(digits[i])<<4 | hexdigit(digits[i+1]));
  return result;

Note how we take advantage of the fact that, as of C++17, lambdas are implicitly constexpr when possible. Note also that C++20 requires most string operations to be constexpr, in which case the above function could be consteval rather than merely constexpr. Unfortunately, as of this writing, constexpr strings aren’t supported by the standard libraries available in common linux distributions.

By the way, here’s an alternative way of implementing this user-defined literal with string_holder and std::make_index_sequence:

template<char ...C>
requires (sizeof...(C)%2 == 0 &&
          [](char zero, char x, auto ...rest) {
            return zero == '0' && x == 'x' && ((hexdigit(rest) != -1) && ...);
consteval auto
  return []<std::size_t ...I>(std::index_sequence<I...>) {
    constexpr std::array digits{ C... };
    return string_holder<hexdigit(digits[2*I+2])<<4 |

Using decltype on lambda expressions

Sometimes you want to modify the types in a parameter pack in a context where it is inconvenient to capture the parameter pack. For instance, suppose you want a way to take a std::tuple type and generate another type corresponding to pointers to the types in the tuple. The brute-force approach would be to introduce helper types to leverage partial specialization, but the result is rather unwieldy:

// Clunky idiom with helper types
namespace detail {

template<typename T> struct tuple_ptr_helper;

template<typename ...T>
struct tuple_ptr_helper<std::tuple<T...>> {
  using type = std::tuple<T*...>;

} // namespace detail

template<typename T> using tuple_ptrs =
  typename detail::tuple_ptr_helper<T>::type;

static_assert(std::is_same_v<tuple_ptrs<std::tuple<int, char>>,
                             std::tuple<int*, char*>>);

Fortunately, C++20 lets us use lambdas in unevaluated contexts, which means that instead of defining helper types, you can often use a lambda expression inside of decltype to achieve what you want. In this case, we can produce an entirely self-contained definition of tuple_ptrs as follows:

template<typename T> using tuple_ptrs =
  decltype(std::apply([](auto ...t) { return std::tuple(&t...); },


Thus far, we’ve been writing generic lambdas in functions like tuple_add that use overloaded syntax like the + operator to add numbers of different types. However, what if we want to write different (non-generic) lambdas for different types? We can implement a new variadic template type, multilambda, that constructs a function object comprising multiple lambdas with different type signatures. Here’s the implementation:

template<typename ...L>
struct multilambda : L... {
  using L::operator()...;
  constexpr multilambda(L...lambda) : L(std::move(lambda))... {}

  using namespace std::string_literals;
  std::tuple t (1, true, "hello"s, 3.0);
  constexpr multilambda action {
    [](int i) { std::cout << i << std::endl; },
    [](double d) { std::cout << d << std::endl; },
    [](bool b) { std::cout << (b ? "yes\n" : "no\n"); },
    [](std::string s) { std::cout << s.size() << " bytes\n"; },
  apply([action](auto ...v) {
    (action(v), ...);  // unary right fold
  }, t);
  // prints:
  // 1
  // yes
  // 5 bytes
  // 3

multilambda takes a bunch of lambda expressions or other callable objects as template parameters and makes them base classes. Then, by expanding the pattern using L::operator()...;, it brings all of the function call operators into scope, so that any of them can be called so long as there is no ambiguity. The final thing to note is that we are taking advantage of implicitly-generated class template deduction guides so as to construct a multilambda without having to supply explicit template parameters.

Note that you can use decltype on multilambda to do things concisely that would previously have required auxiliary structs for partial specialization. For example, here’s a concept that checks whether a particular type is an instance of a particular template or a reference to an instance of that template:

template<typename T, template<typename...> typename Tmpl>
concept is_template = decltype(multilambda{
    []<typename ...U>(const Tmpl<U...> &) { return std::true_type{}; },
    [](const auto &) { return std::false_type{}; },

static_assert(is_template<std::tuple<int, long>, std::tuple>);
static_assert(is_template<const std::tuple<int, long> &, std::tuple>);
static_assert(!is_template<std::tuple<int, long>, std::variant>);

There’s one small issue with multilambda, which is that the copy constructor might do a little work to move lambdas into the structure. You can avoid this work by eliminating the constructor and directly initializing all of the superclasses, using a deduction guide to specify that the template types should be taken from the arguments:

template<typename ...Lambdas>
struct multilambda : Lambdas... {
  using Lambdas::operator()...;
template<typename ...Lambdas>
multilambda(Lambdas...) -> multilambda<Lambdas...>;

Recursive types through inheritance

Sometimes you want to define a type that holds a variable number of arguments depending on a parameter pack. std::tuple is a good example of such a type. A good way to do this is through inheritance, using the derived class to hold one element, and the base class to hold the remaining elements. Here’s an example of a “heterogeneous list” with head and tail operations:

template<typename ...T> struct HList;

struct HList<> {
  static constexpr std::size_t len = 0;

template<typename T0, typename ...TRest>
struct HList<T0, TRest...> : HList<TRest...> {
  using head_type = T0;
  using tail_type = HList<TRest...>;

  static constexpr std::size_t len = 1 + sizeof...(TRest);
  [[no_unique_address]] head_type value_{};

  constexpr HList() = default;
  template<typename U0, typename ...URest>
  constexpr HList(U0 &&u0, URest &&...urest)
    : tail_type(std::forward<URest>(urest)...),
      value_(std::forward<U0>(u0)) {}

  head_type &head() & { return value_; }
  const head_type &head() const& { return value_; }
  head_type &&head() && { return value_; }

  tail_type &tail() & { return *this; }
  const tail_type &tail() const& { return *this; }
  tail_type &&tail() && { return *this; }
// User-defined class template argument deduction guide:
template<typename ...T> HList(T...) -> HList<T...>;

template<std::size_t N> struct dummy{};
static_assert(sizeof(HList<dummy<0>, dummy<1>, dummy<2>>) == 1);
static_assert(sizeof(HList<dummy<0>, dummy<0>, dummy<0>>) == 3);

The basic idiom may already be familiar to the reader, but a few things are worth pointing out for people less familiar with C++20 and C++17. First, note the use of the attribute [[no_unique_address]] on line 14. Without this attribute, the size of HList<dummy<0>, dummy<1>, dummy<2>> would be 3 bytes instead of 1 on line 34. Why? Because C++ requires most objects (other than bit fields) to have a unique address. However, there’s long been an exception called the empty base optimization (EBO). Roughly speaking, given the following types:

struct Base {}; // empty

struct Derived : Base {
  /* ... unspecified ... */

EBO states that Base need not increase the size of Derived so long as the first data member in Derived doesn’t also start with Base. In other words, Base is allowed to share the same address as any other object not of type Base. Before C++20, implementers of types such as std::tuple jumped through quite a few hoops to exploit EBO to reduce tuple sizes. Now, however, we can use the [[no_unique_address]] attribute to apply the same logic as EBO to any structure field, not just the base class.

Note that despite this otimization, HList<dummy<0>, dummy<0>, dummy<0>> still has size 3 bytes, as seen on line 35, because each instance of the same type dummy<0> still needs a unique address. This makes a certain amount of sense. For example, the constructor of dummy<0> might decide to enter the object’s address in some global hash table, so while dummy<1> and dummy<0> would presumably have different hash tables, entering the same address twice into dummy<0>’s hash table could lead to confusion.

Another detail worth noting is the use of a user-defined deduction guide on line 31. This allows us to construct an HList without explicit template parameters, as in HList{1, 2, 3, "hello"}. The deduction guide is required because HList::HList takes arguments by forwarding reference, yet we need to make sure to infer non-reference types for the template parameters.

HList lets us explore another good example application of std::make_index_sequence, as well as of our is_template concept above. Suppose we want to implement an apply function analogous to std::apply. We can do this by implementing a get function, then capturing an integer sequence of list indices to expand in apply:

template<std::size_t N, is_template<HList> HL>
requires (N <= std::remove_cvref_t<HL>::len)
inline decltype(auto)
drop(HL &&hl)
  if constexpr (N)
    return drop<N-1>(std::forward<HL>(hl).tail());
    return std::forward<HL>(hl);

template<std::size_t N, is_template<HList> HL>
requires (N < std::remove_cvref_t<HL>::len)
inline decltype(auto)
get(HL &&hl)
  return drop<N>(std::forward<HL>(hl)).head();

template<typename F, is_template<HList> HL>
apply(F &&f, HL &&hl)
  [&f,&hl]<std::size_t ...I>(std::index_sequence<I...>) -> decltype(auto) {
    return std::forward<F>(f)(get<I>(std::forward<HL>(hl))...);

Homogeneous function parameter packs

As previously mentioned, it is tricky to emulate a function taking a homogeneous variadic parameter pack without introducing extra copies of the argument. Suppose you want to implement a function equivalent to the (illegal) good(Obj ...obj) that accepts a variable number of arguments all of type Obj by value (meaning modification of the arguments in the function does not affect the calling context). We can of course write good(std::convertible_to<Obj> auto&& ...t), but now we will capture a heterogeneous set of arguments. Some of these arguments may be values from which we need to construct an Obj, but others may already be an Obj constructed specifically for this function, as when someone calls good(Obj{}). In the latter case, we want to avoid constructing a second Obj from the one that was passed in as an argument. On the other hand, if the user called good(obj) where obj is a variable containing an existing Obj, then we must copy obj, since the call-by-value semantics we want require that modifications of argument variables inside good do not affect the variables passed in.

When a new temporary Obj has been constructed as a function call argument, the inferred type of the argument will be the rvalue reference Obj&&. When an existing obj is being passed in, the type will be the lvalue reference Obj& (or possibly const Obj&). The trick is to define a function local_copy that will generate a new Obj in the later case, but return a reference to an existing temporary Obj in the former case. Here is the code:

struct Obj { void use() { /* ... */ } /* ... */ };

template<typename Want, typename Have>
inline std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<Want, Have>, Want &&, Want>
local_copy(Have &in)
  return static_cast<Have&&>(in);

template<std::convertible_to<Obj> ...T>
  // Unary fold over comma operator
  (local_copy<Obj, T>(t).use(), ...);

// Another way to do it
template<std::convertible_to<Obj> ...T>
  auto use = []<typename U>(U &&arg) {
    decltype(auto) o = local_copy<Obj, U>(arg);
  (use(std::forward<T>(t)), ...);

To understand the implementation and use of local_copy, you need to know a bunch of things about C++ value categories:

In good1, we need to construct a new Obj from the reference function argument in all cases except when the argument was a temporary object (i.e., good1(Obj{})). When the argument was a temporary, the inferred type T is Obj (meaning argument t has type Obj&&). If the argument was a variable of type Obj, then T will be inferred as Obj&, and we need to copy it to avoid modifying it. If the variable was anything other than an Obj, we need to construct an Obj from it.

The goal of local_copy is to construct a new object of type Want from an argument of type Have unless the argument is already a temporary object of type Want, in which case it should just return a reference to the existing temporary object. The return type of the function uses std::conditional_t to distinguish these two cases—it returns a new Want (meaning a prvalue) unless Want and Have are the same type, in which case it returns an rvalue reference to its input object.

Notice that local_copy takes a Have& and not a Have&&, because it is intended to be used with variables, whose expression type will always be an lvalue and hence cannot be bound to an rvalue reference. (We explicitly specify the type of Have when invoking local_copy, so it can’t be a forwarding reference.) local_copy casts its return value to Have&&, which (through reference collapsing) is the same as Have when Have is an lvalue reference. It’s also possible that the argument was a temporary object of type other than Obj, in which case it is returned as an rvalue reference from which the return Obj is constructed.

There are still a few cases in which good1 behaves differently from the hypothetical homogeneous good(Obj ...arg). If you call good1(std::move(obj)), no new Obj will be constructed from the argument, whereas ordinarily you would expect to move-construct a new Obj. Arguably this is a feature; since a moved object is left in an unspecified state, the main differences in semantics will be one fewer invocation of the move constructor Obj::Obj(Obj&&) (or copy constructor if Obj lacks a move constructor). Another difference is that you can call good({}) and the {} will construct an Obj, since the argument type is known, whereas good1({}) is illegal because the compiler doesn’t know the argument type.

By the way, if this all seems too complex, there is sometimes an alternative to variadic functions for homogenous argument lists—you can write functions to take an initializer_list:

inline void
almost_good3(std::initializer_list<Obj> args)
  for (const Obj &o : args)
    o.use(); // doesn't work with non-const method, though

The two disadvantages are that you’ll have to call the function with an extra set of braces, as in alsmost_good3({obj, Obj{}}), and that you only have const access to members of std::initializer_list, so it won’t work with our example Obj type, in which the use() method is not const.

Array of function pointers

Sometimes you need to convert a runtime constant into a compile-time constant without manually writing out every possible value in a switch statement. The best way to do this is to initialize an array of function pointers using a parameter pack expansion.

As an example, suppose you wish to serialize a std::variant v. You can serialize the current type of the variant by serializing the number v.index(). Then you can serialize the body of the variant with std::visit. To deserialize v, you must reverse the process. First, deserialize the index value i. Then set v.index() to i by setting v to contain its ith type. Finally, deserialize the contents with std::visit.

Unfortunately, the problem with this plan is that the inverse of v.index()—a method to set the index of the variant—does not exist. We could try to implement such a function by brute-force, but the result will be problematic:

// Painful to write, only works if variant has exactly 3 types
set_index(auto &v, std::size_t n)
  switch (n) {
  case 0:
    v.template emplace<0>();
  case 1:
    v.template emplace<1>();
  case 2:
    v.template emplace<2>();

The less serious problem with this code is that it is very tedious to write. Even though emplace really is a different function for each index of the variant, writing it out this way is painful. The more serious problem is that the above function only works for variants with exactly 3 cases. A variant with only 2 cases doesn’t have valid code for emplace<2>, so invoking set_index on such a type will fail to compile.

What we need is a way to take a runtime constant and convert it to a compile time constant we can supply as a template parameter to v.emplace<>(). We can represent compile-time constants with the template type std::integral_constant, which has a constexpr conversion operator returning the integral value represented by the type. Conceptually, we would like to do something like this:

// Parse a pack of char as a decimal number
constexpr std::size_t
chars2size(std::same_as<char> auto ...c)
  std::size_t r = 0;
  for (std::size_t i : { c... })
    r = r*10 + i - '0';
  return r;

// Define 0_const, 1_const, etc. as compile-time integral constants
// (Note: doesn't work with clang++ yet)
template<char ...C> requires ((C >= '0' && C <= '9') && ...)
consteval std::integral_constant<std::size_t, chars2size(C...)>
operator ""_const()
  return {};

// Illegal nonsense--a function can only return one type
get_constant(std::size_t n)
  switch (n) {
  case 0:
    return 0_const;
  case 1:
    return 1_const;
  // ...

Of course, that doesn’t make sense because 0_const and 1_const are of different types. A function can only return one type (which obviously can’t depend on a runtime argument). In order for a function to produce a type dependent on a runtime parameter, instead of returning the type, the function needs to call an overloaded function object. We therefore must implement something like the following:

template<typename R = void, typename F>
inline constexpr R
with_constant(std::size_t n, F &&f)
  switch (n) {
  case 0:
    return std::forward<F>(f)(0_const);
  case 1:
    return std::forward<F>(f)(1_const);
  // ...

set_index(auto &v, std::size_t n)
  with_constant(n, [&v](auto i) { v.template emplace<i>(); });

Okay, so now we know what the function should look like, but we still have the problem that it only works for a fixed number of values of n. Not even a fixed maximum, but a fixed number. However, we can fix this by taking the maximum value as a parameter, then using std::make_index_sequence to generate a parameter pack that we expand into an array of function pointers.

namespace detail {

template<std::size_t I, typename R, typename F>
inline constexpr R with_integral_constant(F f)
  return static_cast<F>(f)(std::integral_constant<std::size_t, I>{});

} // namespace detail

template<std::size_t N, typename R = void, typename F>
inline constexpr R
with_n(int n, F &&f)
  constexpr auto invoke_array =
    []<std::size_t...I>(std::index_sequence<I...>) {
    return std::array{ detail::with_integral_constant<I, R, F&&>... };

  return invoke_array.at(n)(std::forward<F>(f));

template<typename T> requires requires {
  { std::variant_size_v<T>+0 } -> std::same_as<std::size_t>;
set_index(T &t, std::size_t n)
  with_n<std::variant_size_v<T>>(n, [&t](auto i) {
    t.template emplace<i>();

Some notes on the above code. First, note that invoke_array, because it is an array, must have all its elements be of the same type. Hence, we really do need detail::with_integral_constant to be a function, rather than a lambda expression, to ensure all elements of the array have the same type. We could create an array of std::function<R(F&&)>, but std::function::~function is not a constexpr destructor, so then invoke_array could not be constexpr, which might inhibit some compiler optimizations. (Note in some cases, if you have non-generic lambdas with no variable capture, they can be converted to ordinary function pointers by prefixing the lambda with +, as in +[]{}.)

Next, note that we supply the number of possible values, N, as the first template argument to with_n, and this argument is mandatory. By using std::array::at, we ensure that an exception will be thrown for out-of-bounds values of n. Note also that if we want to use with_n with a return type other than void, it must be supplied as the second template argument R. Since the code is different for each value of n, we can’t infer a return type. (Possibly we could do something fancy to compute a plausible return type using std::common_type_t, but it doesn’t seem worth the complexity.)

As a reminder about constraints, the clause { std::variant_size_v<T>+0 } -> std::same_as<std::size_t> is known as a compound requirement, and states that decltype(()) of the expression in braces must satisfy the constraint to the right of the arrows. Since the expression (std::variant_size_v<T>) is probably an lvalue of type const std::size_t&, we just add 0 to turn it into a prvalue of type std::size_t, avoiding any worries about the const or references. An alternative would be to use our is_template concept, as in:

template<is_template<std::variant> T> 
set_index(T &t, std::size_t n)
  /* ... */

Finally, note the importance of our lambda in set_index accepting the parameter by value (auto i) and not by reference (auto &&i or const auto &i). Because of some quirkiness in how constexpr works, you can’t call constexpr methods (such as std::integral_constant::operator std::size_t) on a reference at compile time, only on a value. Hence, line 30 will cause a compilation error if i is a reference.


As C++ evolves, many old, error-prone, and frankly disgusting idioms are no longer necessary and should be eliminated. For instance, you should never again rely on SFINAE now that we have concepts. Similarly, it’s time to update our variadic function idioms to leverage the new language features. Concepts now allow us to restrict the types in a function parameter pack. constexpr-by-default lambdas help us capture parameter packs even in contexts such as requires clauses. The ability to use lambdas in unevaluated contexts lets us avoid helper classes for many purposes. Folds and if constexpr can save us from implementing multiple overloaded functions for recursive and base cases. Class template argument deduction makes it possible to introduce types such as multilambda without helper functions to create them.

Unfortunately, effective use of variadic templates still involves some unwieldy idioms, in large part because of the asymmetry between expanding patterns (which works in many contexts) and capturing parameter packs (which often requires introducing otherwise unnecessary lambda expressions). If C++ adopts parameter packs in structured bindings, this will go a long way towards further simplifying the use of parameter packs. Another nice feature would be homogeneous variadic function parameters, though unfortunately that was rejected by the committee, so won’t be adopted in current form. Still, perhaps a future version of the standard could at least deprecate omitting the comma in declarations of old-style varargs functions, which is the main impediment.

I hope the idioms I presented are useful to you. If you are still writing C++17-compatible code, I hope this post provides further motivation for you to abandon legacy compatibility and embrace the significant improvements in C++20.