Warning: people periodically impersonate me on email, chat, and social media apps, including most recently telegram. @DavidMazieresSDF is not a valid telegram handle for me. If someone contacts you from that handle, they are either trying to defraud you or hurt SDF.

I only ever send email from addresses that end .scs.stanford.edu or (in my capacity as an employee of Stellar Development Foundation) @stellar.org. If someone claiming to be me contacts you through some other channel, or through a fake email address (e.g., prof.davidmazieres@gmail.com and hello@davidmazieres.com were previously used to impersonate me), please notify me by email. Also, I rarely use linkedin, so fake profiles of me have more contacts than my real account.

"Professor" David Mazières
Bio, Vita

Picture of the professor



Photo credit: Lori Bode, Squink Industries
Secure Computer Systems group